PS 186 Field Day

We are very excited about welcoming back our Field Day! The students have been working hard in gym class to practice all their games and skills. The games are assembled and the excitement is mounting! Parents are invited to join us on the field to watch and cheer your child on. Below, please find the schedule for the day with the me/s your child/ren will be participating.
Pre-K/K/1st Grade – 8:30am-9:45am
Pre-K - Red
Kindergarten - White
1st Grade - Blue
2nd & 3rd Grade – 10am-11:30am
2nd Grade - Red
3rd Grade - White
4th & 5th Grade – 12:00pm - 1:30pm
4th Grade - Red
5th Grade - Senior Shirts (Blue)
Students will have lunch together at Castlewood.
A few reminders:
1. All students should wear comfortable sneakers, shorts (if they like) and the color shirt
for their grade.
2. Please apply sunscreen to your child prior to coming to school. This field is wide open
with limited shade. Feel free to send a hat.
3. We ask that all students please bring a towel/blanket to sit on and cold boles of water.
Thank you to the PTA for providing Italian Ices at the end of the day to help our athletes cool off
and celebrate bringing such an excing event back